Call for Help

Marketing & Health Communications

University Health Services Marketing & Health Communications handles media inquiries as well as internal and external communications for the organization.

UHS is not part of UW Health, UW Hospital, or UW SMPH (although some of our providers have appointments at SMPH). To contact UW Health, please visit the UW Health Media Center.

Contact Us

Phone: 608-263-2714

Media/Interview request

For all media inquiries, include the following:

  • Email and phone number
  • Media outlet
  • Story topic and/or the type of content expert needed
  • Type of interview requested (phone, in-person, on-camera, radio)
  • Amount of time needed for interview
  • Interview deadline

Due to the volume of requests received, not all may be accommodated.

For media inquiries about UW–Madison, contact the Office of Strategic Communication at 608-265-4151.

Class projects

Class Project Inquiries

For class project inquiries, include the following information:

  • Email and phone number
  • Class name
  • Story topic and/or the type of content expert needed
  • Three to five examples of questions
  • Type of interview requested (phone, in-person, on-camera, radio)
  • Amount of time needed for interview
  • Interview deadline

Outreach request

Interested in having someone present to your class or group?

Submit a request online

Photography Policy

Our responsibility to safeguard patient confidentiality and comfort extends to our reception rooms and other public areas. For that reason, no video or photography of any kind is permitted at UHS without the express permission of the UHS Marketing & Health Communications Manager or a UHS Director. A UHS staff member must accompany anyone approved to take video or photos in a UHS patient area. Permission must also be sought from the people in the reception room or other affected patient area.

This is not just our policy; it is our responsibility under HIPAA, the law that governs health care confidentiality.

Due to staffing and privacy restrictions, the majority of videos may only be shot on weekdays between 5 and 6 p.m.