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Privacy & Patient Rights

Protecting your privacy

Whether you’re a student or a non-student, the confidentiality, privacy, and security of your medical records are the responsibility of the health care facility that owns them, but you can help maintain confidentiality by:

  • Being aware of what personally identifiable information and protected health information is collected.
  • Being aware of who collects personally identifiable information and protected health information.
  • Understanding who manages UHS medical records.
  • Asking about UHS’s confidentiality practices.
  • Reading the fine print before you authorize the release of your confidential health information.
  • Confirming the authorization specifies the recipient and the purpose of release accurately.

Federal and state privacy laws

The privacy of your medical records maintained by University Health Services (UHS) are protected by federal and state laws.  The primary laws governing patient privacy and confidentiality are listed below.  Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, only those most relevant.

Federal laws

Wisconsin laws

To ensure compliance with these laws, UHS does not disclose information to family members, or others, without your consent or authorization. However, in an emergency, our professional staff will exercise professional judgment to determine if family members, usually parents, should be informed of the situation even if the student withholds consent.

Notice of privacy practices

Patient Rights and Responsibilities

Patient Rights

As a patient or client at UHS, you have the right to:

  • Be treated with dignity, consideration, and respect without regard to your race, religion, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, ability, or any other characteristic;
  • Privacy and confidentiality;
  • Receive high-quality, humane treatment that respects your opinions and beliefs; n know the name, title, and professional qualifications of person(s) providing your care;
  • Refuse care or observation by persons in a learning situation;
  • Receive assistance and/or accommodation if you have a disability or need an interpreter;
  • Be part of health care decisions;
  • Receive information regarding your condition and recommended treatment that is complete, to the degree known, and presented in a way that is understandable to you;
  • Refuse treatment to the extent permitted by law, and to be informed of the potential consequences of any such action;
  • Voice complaints or suggestions regarding the care you receive (please see the UHS feedback webpage for more information);
  • Choose or change your health care provider;
  • Receive complete information and explanation if you are referred or your care is transferred to another health care provider or facility;
  • Refuse to participate in research studies;
  • Receive information about your bill;
  • Designate someone to make healthcare decisions for you in the event you are unable to;
  • Request information about UHS Policies and Procedures;
  • Receive copies of and examine your clinical record and billing record;
  • Receive information about and assistance with Advance Directives.

Patient Responsibilities

As a patient or client at UHS, you have the responsibility to:

  • Treat UHS professional and support staff, trainees, volunteers, and other patients/clients with respect and consideration;
  • Keep your UHS appointments or cancel as far ahead as possible so that services are available to others;
  • Call or go online to schedule an appointment for all services not designated as “drop-in”;
  • Provide complete and accurate information about your health;
  • Tell your clinician or counselor about any changes in your health;
  • Ask questions if you do not understand your condition or treatment plan;
  • Be part of health care decisions;
  • Inform your provider about any Advance Directives;
  • Tell your provider if you are not able or willing to follow the recommended treatment plan;
  • Express your concerns and suggestions about your care; n promptly pay any UHS bills.