Call for Help

UHS Survivor Services: Mental Health

You are not alone. We believe you and we are here for you. 

Survivor Services provides confidential support to UW–Madison student victims/survivors of sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating violence, domestic violence, and/or stalking. These services are available at no cost.

To schedule an appointment with the UHS Survivor Services Mental Health team, call 608-265-5600 (option 2).

UHS Survivor Services provides additional survivor-centered resources such as advocacy services, medical services, and information about student survivor rights, resources, and reporting options.

Individual Counseling Services for Survivors

  • A trauma-informed, collaborative, and strengths-based approach to support healing and post-traumatic growth.
  • Survivor Services does not have an explicit session limit. Mental health staff work with students to determine the appropriate care plan based on individual goals.

Support Groups for Survivors

  • Confidential, trauma-informed support groups provided by Survivor Services mental health professionals
  • Please note that all groups (aside from drop-in groups) require a 30-minute pre-group orientation with the group co-facilitators

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Spring Wellness Group for Survivors

Step away from your screen and meet us outdoors for some connection on the green! Start your day with an ecotherapy-themed experiential skills group for survivors to connect and build community through mindfulness and nature excursion. This group will meet outdoors and invite group members to participate in guided meditation, breathing practices, compassion practices, and somatic grounding exercises. There will be opportunity for discussion, reflection, and camaraderie with other group members. Please note, confidentiality may be limited due to the public setting. Please feel free to bring pillows, blankets, or chairs for comfort when sitting outside; morning coffee welcome and encouraged!

Fridays | 9:30 – 11 am (in person)
Group leaders: Kendall Ferguson, APSW & Kayla Eggen, LCSW

Queer Survivor Support Group

This is a space for UW-Madison student survivors to connect with peers and offer mutual support in a confidential and safe environment. Students who identify as bisexual, gay, lesbian, queer, questioning, transgender, or any other personally meaningful term are all welcome to this group. Group facilitators foster a space that is open and affirming for all members. Group will focus on navigating the impact of trauma experiences through connection & skills to support post-traumatic growth, with some boundaries placed around sharing narratives about traumatic experiences. This group is specifically designed for LGBTQ+ UW-Madison students who have experienced sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, sexual harassment, stalking, and/or childhood sexual abuse.

Tuesdays | 10:30 a.m. – 4:30 pm (in person at the Gender and Sexuality Campus Center)
Group Leaders: Annie Bruns, APSW & Sam Herlitzke, LMFT

Survivors of Color Support Group

This group is for individuals who self-identify as a person of color/mixed race and have also experienced interpersonal trauma at some point in their life. This group aims to create a supportive space and community for members while also learning skills and tools to cope with past/current experiences of trauma as it relates to race, culture, family, and relationships.

Mondays | 1 – 2:30 pm
Group Leaders: Geetanjali Deole, MS & Kathleen Monmany, MSW

Drop in Crafty Coping Community for Survivors

sign up online:

This is a drop-in space for UW-Madison student survivors to connect with peers and offer mutual support in a confidential and safe environment. The group facilitators will foster a space that is open and affirming for all members while guiding members through sensory- and movement-based coping skills. Group will focus on navigating the impact of trauma experiences through connection & skills to support post-traumatic growth. This group is specifically for UW-Madison students who have experienced sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, sexual harassment, stalking, and/or childhood sexual abuse.

Wednesdays | 3 – 4:30 pm (in person)
Group Leaders: Carol Heins-Daniels, APSW & Alex Little, MSW


Confidential means that—as allowable by law—the information survivors share with our victim advocates will not be disclosed to anyone—including law enforcement, campus authorities or parents—without the explicit written permission of the student victim/survivor. Read the UHS statement on confidentiality for victims of sexual violence.